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세계에서 가장 열심히 일하는 Top 10 국가

미소테리2015.01.03 06:59조회 수 1488추천 수 1댓글 5

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세계에서 가장 열심히 일하는 Top 10 국가

Top 10 Nations That Work The Hardest



*출처 : therichest.com


 이번 조사는 뜻밖에 좀 충격적인 조사 결과입니다. 세계에서 가장 열심히 일하는 국가지만 반면 가장

 노동 시간이 긴 나라이기도 하여 우리나라가 1위라는 사실이. 좀 슬프기도 하네요~


10. Slovak republic, 1786 hours per annum

via gcci.gy


9. Mexico, 1866 hours per annum

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via en.wikipedia.org

 8. Turkey, 1877 hours per annum

via nydailynews

 7. Estonia, 1879 hours per annum

via flahertiana.ru

 6. Poland, 1939 hours per annum

via Wall Street Journal

 5. Czech Republic, 1947 hours per annum

via en.wikipedia.org

 4. Hungary, 1961 hours per annum

via ec.europa.eu

 3. Russia, 1976 hours per annum



 2. Chile, 2068 hours per annum



 1. South Korea, 2193 hours per annum

via workers.org

Topping the list, North Korea’s ‘better half’ proves that you don’t need to force your citizens to labour to make them hard-working. For many Koreans working late hours is taken for granted and the government even instituted a five-day, 40 hour initiative back in 2004 in an attempt to lessen the working week for individuals pressured into late nights at the office. However, ten years on, this initiative has had little effect either on the busyness of workers or on their happiness. Perhaps because the same level of productivity has been demanded in spite of the suggested cutbacks in hours, many still chose to work the maximum and beyond in order to meet deadlines and quotas.\




미소테리 (비회원)
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915 심하게 솔직했던 영일이1 백상아리예술대상 2631 1
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